Closing of the Bones Ceremony - March 1 {In-Person}

Closing of the Bones Ceremony - March 1 {In-Person}

COMMUNITY - Megan Schafers
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You are invited to a Community Closing of the Bones Ceremony. 

This ceremony uses a long cloth, most commonly known in Mexico as a Rebozo, to lovingly and ceremoniously help to “close the bones” of the pelvis and other energy centers that are expanded and opened during the birth process.

This ancestral practice supports mothers in transitioning and integrating into their new roles of motherhood by being nurtured, held and quite literally wrapped in a safe and sacred container.

This ritual wrapping brings closure to the energetic and spiritual channels that have remained open after birth in the early postpartum time.

It provides the final stages of the right of passage of entering into motherhood, that of being witnessed by your community and celebrated for the new role you are embodying.

This has been practiced all over the world, and we are so grateful to the wisdom keepers of the different cultures who have kept this practice alive for us to reintegrate into caring for the mothers in our world.

This is not only an invitation for mothers, but for any women in our community who would like to participate, hold space and become acquainted with the healer & wisewoman within.

Traditionally, the closing of the bones was done to mark the end of the sacred window, ~ 6 weeks after giving birth, but since you are always postpartum after being pregnant (including very early birth/miscarriage/abortion), all mothers are welcome to receive.

It is my honour to offer this ceremony to our community through the wisdom shared with me by Rachelle Seliga, Juan Garcia Alfaro and Irene Garcia, who learned from their wise teachers and ancestors.

Our ceremony will take place on December 7th, from 10am to 2pm at the lovely Wollf House which is located 15 minutes east of Sherwood Park, Alberta.

Our time together will include:

  • Opening Circle
  • Abdominal Massage
  • Sister wrapping ceremony
  • Integration & Sharing & Snacking
  • Closing Circle

The investment is $75 per person. 

We will have extra hands around to support with the babies during the wrapping ritual. Can’t wait to see you there!

Booking and More Info Click Here >>> Closing of the Bones 

*This is an in-person event held at Wollf House**